Monday, August 27, 2012

Puzzle (2007) Review

Year: 2007
Episodes: 4
Language: Japanese
Genre: Mystery

A group of armed men seizes a school and takes a teacher and a student as their hostages. The hostage-takers ask the top class to complete a puzzle in exchange for the hostages’ lives.

Cheerfulnuts’ Review:
Aside from sharing the same title, being aired on the same TV network, and having Yamamoto Yusuke in both dramas, Puzzle isn’t related to 2008’s Puzzle in any way. The former is about a group of students from the top class who are forced to search for 2000 puzzle pieces and complete a picture within 48 hours. A group of armed men barges into a school which happens to be empty except for two teachers, the students from the top class, and a student who is about to quit from school. The events are slowly relayed to us through interviews carried out by an unknown man whom I presumed to be a police officer. During the entire interview, only the faces of the victims are shown. The delivery method had instantly caught my curiosity and I thought something as horrible as the Battle Royal must have taken place. I was wrong.

The hostage-takers aren’t as evil as I’ve expected. In fact, they aren’t scary at all. The students, on the other hand, are not a bit memorable. It’s shameful that the female teacher cannot take charge and seems to be the most panicky among the victims. I also fail to sympathize with any of them. I find the students’ detachment to each other hard to believe.

Still, I like the delivery of the story and I was suddenly drawn to it. It’s not boring (each episode lasts only about 24 minutes) and it’s actually quite entertaining. But it isn’t as good at it has promised. This is a type of drama that would catch your attention in the beginning and would keep you from switching off the TV until the very end, only to realize that it’s not really worth your time.

Cheerfulnuts’ Verdict:
4 out of 10 stars.

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